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Managing Memberships In Smartspace

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The Smartspace membership Management module is a complete solution for online membership sales and management.

This document provides the basics on how website administrators create and manage memberships for individuals within Smartspace

Please note that membership is different to registration. If you register someone in the Smartspace website database, you register their personal details and they remain registered permanently, unless you delete them.

Membership, on the other hand is a separate record which is attached to a registration and is usually time based (although it can also be visit based). Memberships come and go, meaning they need to be renewed periodically.

Creating A Membership

This section assumes that:

Navigate to Database Manager and select a person from either the search list or the Individual Selections list

Managing Memberships

The membership record is summarised in the Individual record under Membership Details

Carry Forward Memberships

You can easily carry forward memberships from any period to save processing time for the new membership period

Deleting and Suspending Memberships

Depending on the configuration of the Membership Manager, you may be able to delete, suspend or terminate a membership record

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