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Communicating With Customers and Members

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SmartSpace  allows businesses to communicate with their customers and or members in a number of ways.

Information on how to fully use the newsletter system will be available soon. This content deals with using the simple Bulk Email system available with most SmartSpace modules.

Selecting Email Targets

Department and Groups

If you are using the Groupie module, you can send emails to all stored in related groups. Using the Department hierarchy, you can refine the targets you wish to send emails to.

Customer/Membership Reports

Navigate to Customer/Membership Manager > Reports. Here you can filter those in your database by a number of selectors.

Important Points on Bulk Emails

Recommendations on Communications

Unless your communication is short (perhaps up to about 4 short paragraphs), it is best to create separate content on your website and link to it in the email (where the content module is available)

Creating and Linking Content

Tracking Visitors From Emails

You can track the success of your email by viewing the stats for your landing pages in Google analytics (if you are have a Google analytics account)

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