Secure SmartSpace
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Quick Lists

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Smartspace now allow users to create lists which can be used to populate other groups.

Administrators can create the lists themselves or get their customers/members to do it for themselves online (or a combination of both)

To prevent the selection of lists to become to cluttered over time, the lists are accessed through the Quick Lists Category Type.

A short one off configuration is required to acheive full functionality.

You will need to navigate to the Database Manager to create and manage the lists.

Configure/Create Attached Lists

  1. Configure the Category Type
    • Navigate to Manage Category Types > Quick Lists
    • Complete the simply configuration for this record
    • If you want to be able to allow your users to join a list online, click  the approprirate Join Actions options
    • Save or Update the record
  2. Create a Group Category
    • Click New Group Category
    • Select Quick Lists as the Category Type
    • At a minimum, enter a Category Name (eg. Our Lists)
    • No other fields need to be completed
    • Save or Update the record
  3. Create An Instance
    • Open up the Lists category (by clicking on the line) and click Create New Instance
    • Enter an Instance Name
    • Unless you are going to be having numerous lists, you probably online need to have once or two Instances
    • In that case, tick the Live Instance: Make permanent tick box
    • Tick the Show Public box only if you want your users to be able to join one of its child lists online
    • Complete other fields as required
    • Save or Update the record
  4. Create a List
    • Once you have created at least one Instance, select the instance, then click on Create or Manage Groups from the action menu
    • If you want a specific person to be notified of people joining the list online, enter a valid email address in  the Email field
    • Enter an appropriate and descriptive name for the group
    • Enter the time period during which you want to be able to access those in the group
    • If you are allowing online entry into the Groups, you may wish to place some explanatory text in the "Notes" field
    • Click on Add + Save

You now have your first Quick List!

How to Use Quick Lists

Join a List Online

Populate Other Groups with a List

Use a Quick List for Combined Entries

Coming Very Soon...


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