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Setting Up Global Website Account Settings

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Each SmartSpace website has a Global Site Details record which stores all the details vital to the overall ongoing operation and management of the website account.  (Configuration details for the website itself are stored separately). These details include:

This record is available to both, website managers, (or staff with an access level of 5) and SmartSpace support staff.

Site Details Overview

Normally, the site details record is initially set up by the website owner, manager or graphic designer, after creating their SmartSpace website account. If the website manager decides to purchase their SmartSpace website and pays the setup fee, SmartSpace support staff use the Site Details record to complete the set up of the actual website including:

It is important that complete information be supplied in the site details record otherwise set up of the website may not be possible.

When a website manager arrives at the Site Details interface for the first time, they need to click on "Create a New Record Here" to complete the form.

Required Information for Global Site Details

  1. Website Address
    • The website address is the actual address the website owner wants visitors to the website to use when visiting the site
      • e.g. or
      • You need to choose whether or not to use the "www." prefix/sub domain or not
      • It does not matter whether it is used or not, but our setting always direct visitors to the one form of the address for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) purposes.
  2. Other Domains
    • Website owners will often buy a number of related domains to protect their web identity from those trying to take advantage of an established identity or to cover for misspelled domains
    • Insert into this field all the domain names you have purchased or intend to purchase, all of which we will point to your primary domain name (above)
    • In other words, any of the domain names that are included here will lead to your primary domain if typed into a web browser
    • If you want SmartSpace to purchase and mange these domains for you, place "(please purchase)" after the domain name
    • We will purchase these domain names for you once you have paid the setup fee and charge you for them later
    • Please note that Australian domain names require a definitive link to the domain name to prove it is relevant to your business.  It could be:
      • Similar to a registered business or company name e.g. smith and co, fangdanglers - domain:
      • The same as a trademark e.g. domain:
      • Related to a product or service you sell or manufacture e.g. domain:
    • Insert this information into this field below each domain name as it applies.
  3. Domain Registrar
    • If you already have one or more domain names, SmartSpace will need the login information of the domain to set the record to point to the correct internet address
    • For each domain name, insert the website address of the domain registrar (the company from whom your purchased the domain), the username and password
    • If we purchase the domain for you, we will enter these details where applicable.
    • After initial purchase of the domain, you will get subsequent bills for the re-registration of the domain.
  4. Staff Access
    • Insert into this field the first name and surname of each person who you wish to grant initial access to your website
    • Include their current email address
    • In brackets after their name, insert the access level that you wish to assign to them
    • These records will be managed by you after the initial setup - you can change, add or edit as you please
    • See here for a guide to access levels.
  5. Email Addresses
    • SmartSpace comes with a standard maximum of 5 email addresses with a total storage of 50mb
    • If more email addresses or storage space is needed, it can be included at the time of sign up
    • Insert each email address on a separate line with the storage space for each in brackets after, e.g. (20mb)
    • If you know what password you want for the account place directly under the email address (6-16 alpha-numeric characters including numbers and letters), e.g. password: myspecial24pw
    • If not, SmartSpace staff will insert the details after each as described above when they are set up
    • Also, the general settings for your email account will be displayed to set up your own email client on your computer and also for webmail. Read more here on email setup
    • Website Managers should also mark if they want any of the addresses marked as a catch-all account
      • A catch-all account is one which collects every email sent to the domain which is not a valid email
      • This may pick up misspelt email addresses, but also increases the likelihood of getting spam emails.
  6. Access Code and Hint
    • Website managers should also enter a further security code of 4 - 10 alpha-numeric characters long, as an extra precaution for unauthorised access
    • This field will not save the password as many fields do
    • A hint can be inserted to help managers remember what password was inserted previously
    • SmartSpace staff are NOT authorised to give out this password over the phone
    • The hint is available on the website
    • Please note that you should never give your password to anyone else.
  7. Other Fields
    • The Completed Set Up date and Data Upload date are those which SmartSpace uses to mark completion of set up and to generate notification of these actions to website managers
    • They are for informational purposes only and cannot be amended or changed.

At the end of any editing or input, changes must be saved by clicking the Save or Update button at the bottom of the form.

Once this record is created some of the information is merged into a smaller number of fields, but is clearly marked.  Subsequent changes to this record will not take place in exactly the same fields as listed above.

NOTE: To help maintain security, each time a record is accessed and edited, a record is made of the access, including the logging of IP addresses.

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